Ceramics Web The SDSU CeramicsWeb is an experimental web site for ceramics. It includes a such things as databases of glaze recipes and material analyses, links to other ceramics web sites, health and safety information, and a variety of educational materials related to ceramics.
Bath Potters Supplies articles on how to build your own kiln, and supplies for folks in the UK
Potters.org Clayart discussions by subject. Tremendous resource-- you must visit this site!
Judy Maddigan's Push Molds With Push Molds and oven-bake polymer clay, anyone can become an “instant artist.” You'll find tips, techniques, ideas and inspiration here.
Northwind is a complete ceramic store with a full line of supplies and accessories. Classes for beginners through advanced are also available. Located in Eau Claire WI.
POPULAR CERAMICS MAGAZINE The first and best hobby ceramics magazine published today
Pottery Making Illustrated is quarterly magazine just for potters—professional or amateur, student or instructor. PMI is filled with practical information on all aspects of pottery, such as throwing and handbuilding techniques, kiln building and firing processes, clay and glaze formulation, as well as valuable information on tools and equipment. Articles are written and photographed by potters and experts in the field, and presented in a well-illustrated easy-to-understand format. Pottery Making Illustrated provides you with the information you need to improve and expand your pottery skills, and to help you make the most of your studio time.
Ceramics Monthly Magazine-- info on exhibitions, trends, artists, techical data, and equipment and supplies.